The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta reports that former Labour MEP Cyrus Engerer has joined the leadership of Il-Kollettiv, an NGO which hopes to field candidates at the next general election. 

Like other newspapers, Times of Malta also reports on the horror crash of a quadbike at Wied il-Mielaħ. A young Italian woman died. 

The Malta Independent says the Opposition is to table a motion calling for the appointment of the Police Commissioner to require a two-thirds majority in parliament.

That story also features in In-Nazzjon, which also reports that divers were hospitalised on Sunday after finding themselves in difficulty off Marsascala.

L-orizzont gives prominence to the government's purchase of the San Gejtanu band club in Hamrun, which is to be rented back to the band.

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