The following are the top stories in Malta’s newspapers on Friday.

Times of Malta leads with an interview with Enemalta’s executive chair Ryan Fava who said a temporary power station to help prevent more cuts is set to be in full operation by mid-August. 

The newspaper also looks into the number of women elected in the recent local council elections, with an analysis showing that the number of women mayors dropped by half when compared to 2019.

The Malta Independent led with how a group of NGOs have demanded a public inquiry into the benefit fraud scandal amid suspicions of a cover-up. 

The scandal was revealed by Times of Malta last year when it was reported that former MP Silvio Grixti was implicated as being the centre of a scam that saw hundreds of people being granted benefits for severe disabilities they did not suffer from. 

MaltaToday’s GozoToday leads with PL and PN mayors blaming Gozo blackouts due to poor infrastructure. 

In-Nazzjon's front page focuses on the recent power cuts, with the Nationalist Party calling on Enemalta and Energy Minister Miriam Dalli to clearly explain the cause of the repeated power cuts. 

L-orizzont's focus is on the prime minister's visit to Oxfordshire, United Kingdom for the European Political Community meeting. 


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