The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Tuesday. 

The Times of Malta's main story details how Labour Party insiders fear suffering a loss in local council elections as the vote counting is set to resume tomorrow. The party saw its 42,000-vote majority shrink to just under 8,500 votes, which activists fear may be an indication of a poor showing at the local council elections. 

The paper also reports on comments from Prime Minister Robert Abela saying that the government still enjoys the people's trust, despite the dramatically shortened majority. 

The Malta Independent dedicated its front page to an analysis of how the Labour Party's vote majority ended up dispersing to the PN and independent candidates, as well as a fair number of abstentions. 

It also reports on comments from Silvio Grixti - the former PL MP who has been charged in connection with the benefits fraud scandal - who made allusions of "false humility" towards the government following the publication of election results. 

l-orrizont leads with a report on the vote difference between the Nationalist and Labour party coming down to around 3 per cent. 

It also carries a story on how the General Workers Union negotiated better working conditions for a group of its members who are stationed to work at MCAST. 

In-Nazzjon dedicates its front page to report on Opposition Leader Bernard Grech, who said that the PN will continue to work to offer an alternative government. 

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