The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Friday.
Times of Malta leads with a court decision that saw a €600 million contract for a waste-to-energy plant scrapped, with members of the adjudicating committee found to have had a conflict of interest.
The newspaper also highlights an excerpt from the President's State of the Nation conference, reporting that 1 in 4 people in Malta say they are uncomfortable with multiculturalism on the island.
The Malta Independent also leads with a report on the State of the Nation conference, adding to the multiculturalism report that the Maltese say they prefer to have foreigners do unwanted jobs.
The front page also carries a court report on the ongoing Vitals case, with the court hearing that the medical supply company Technoline was fraudulently acquired using funds from the concession.
L-orrizzont also leads with a report from the State of the Nation conference, saying that more people are approaching their life "day by day" and that the majority of people in Malta still consider Maltese to be their first language.
The front page also features a court report on the Vitals inquiry, which said that the Office of the Attorney General objected to a site visit to a project which according to the inquiry does not exist.
In-Nazzjon carries a report that says that Robert Abela said in a speech that the country needs a new economic vision but failed to commit himself to any changes.
The newspaper also carries a report on the cancellation of the tender for the €600 million waste-to-energy plant.