Malta heading to the polls to elect the six politicians who will be representing the country in the European Parliament, as well as the hundreds of local councillors dominates the headlines of local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta, The Malta Independent, In-Nazzjon, and L-Orizzont all lead with how voting kicks off today, with polling stations opening at 7am and closing at 10pm.

These are the other leading stories making headlines in Saturday's local newspapers. 

Times of Malta leads with how one Sri Lankan man no longer feels safe in Malta after an unprovoked attack left him with part of his ear missing.

The Malta Independent leads with how the teenager suspected of placing an explosive device inside a waste bin outside the Labour Party headquarters was charged with terrorism-related crimes and investigators believe he planned to target parliament.

 In-Nazzjon leads with Malta remembering victims of the Sette Giugno riots.

L-Orizzont leads with the speaker of the House called for speaking time in parliament to be slashed to not more than 15 to 20 minutes. 

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