The following are the top stories in Malta's Sunday newspapers.

The Sunday Times of Malta reports that a court has imposed an assets freeze on former Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo and his wife. Bartolo resigned hours before Times of Malta revealed how payments were suspected kickbacks for a Malta Tourism Authority contract.  In its second story, the newspaper features an account by a man who suffered gunshot wounds and saw the one who pulled the trigger walk free.

The Malta Independent quotes Martin Balzan, the president of the doctors' union, saying the impact of the rescinded Vitals Hospitals deal is felt most at the Mater Dei Emergency Department.

MaltaToday under the headline 'The tale of the two Abelas,' highlights how the prime minister in Brussels has endorsed EU decisions on increased arms spending while speaking differently in Malta. Sister paper Illum has a similar story on its front page.

It-Torċa says a British firm engaged by the magisterial inquiry into the hospitals case issued duplicate bills, and was still paid. It also highlights economic and social progress for women under a Labour government. 

KullĦadd quotes the prime minister saying he will not be responsible for EU  spending on weapons, It also highlights favourable Fitch ratings for Malta.

Il-Mument advertises Sunday afternoon's Valletta protest by the PN over the government's failures. 


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