These are the stories making front-page headlines in local newspapers this Friday.

Times of Malta reports that a ‘number’ of bidders have expressed an interest in acquiring HSBC Bank, among them APS.

It also reports on a gym owner being charged with bribing a police sergeant in exchange for information about drug raids.

The newspaper splashes a photo of Raymond Pitre, the artist who died aged 86.

The Malta Independent leads with news of HSBC receiving a ‘number’ of acquisition offers and APS Bank confirming that it is among the bidders.

The newspaper also highlights a call by Repubblika to have Clayton Bartolo and Amanda Muscat’s assets frozen as they are the subject of a money laundering probe.

L-Orizzont leads with the inauguration of a revamped Spencer Garden in Marsa. It also reports that police do not exclude charging more people in connection with a case in which a police sergeant is alleged to have leaked information about drug raids.

In-Nazzjon leads with a call for minister Clint Camilleri to resign and urges people to attend a protest in Valletta planned for Monday evening.

It also reports that PN leader Bernard Grech met with students to hear their concerns.

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