The following are the stories that made the front pages of Malta's newspapers on Monday. 

The Times of Malta leads with three thrid country nationals who were hired to work construction on a state school, but are now facing deportation after they discovered that they had been hired illegally. 

The newspaper also reports on how Malta is launching a project to be able to seperate farm waste from human waste in a bid to ease the strain on the country's sewage system. 

The Malta Independent's front page features an interview with Water Services Corporation CEO Karl Cilia, who said that sewage infrastructure for megaprojects is drawn up before permits are issued, when asked about the Villa Rosa project. 

It also features a statement from the PN's shadow minister for economy, Jerome Caruana Cilia, who said that Budget 2025 is "yet another missed opportunity". 

L-Orrizont leads with Prime Minister Robert Abela's sunday political activity, where he delivered the message that Budget 2025 is centred around the wellbeing of the family. 

It also runs a feature exploring different proposals aimed at easing traffic congestion around Malta. 

In-Nazzjon's lead story is a curtain raiser anticipating Opposition Leader Bernard Grech's response to the budget, which he is set to give in parliament this evening. 

It also features a report on Grech's speech given on Sunday, in which he promised to reverse the budget measure that will see people having to have an extra year in NI payments in order to qualify for a full pension. 

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