These are the leading stories making headlines in local newspapers this Tuesday.

Times of Malta leads with Opposition Leader Bernard Grech’s response to the Budget 2025 speech. Malta has become uncrecognisable under Labour, he told parliament.

The newspaper also covers Glenn Micallef’s relatively easy ride through the European Parliament, writing that the commissioner-designate sailed through his MEP grilling.

The Malta Independent also leads with those two stories, splitting its front page between the two equally. It quotes Grech as criticising the government as having no plan, and writes that Micallef’s ‘culture compass’ guided him through his MEP grilling.

L-Orizzont writes that Glenn Micallef impressed in his MEP grilling and notes that Robert Abela wished him all the best. It also reports that Labour has published the PN’s unpublished pre-budget document.

In-Nazzjon dedicates its entire front page to Bernard Grech’s budget speech response. Malta deserves a quality government led by the Nationalist Party, it writes.

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