These are the leading stories making headlines in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta reports that former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri is to be charged with having leaked information about the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

It also gives prominence to Gozo and Planning Minister Clint Camilleri reacting defiantly to a report which found that he abused his power. Camilleri insists he did nothing wrong. 

The Malta Independent focuses on the ongoing scandal concerning Camilleri and fellow minister Clayton Bartolo, reporting on the prime minister saying an apology sufficed and Opposition leader Bernard Grech saying Abela is "choosing corruption". 

L-Orizzont dedicates most of its front page to a curtain-raiser for Sigma, a gaming sector expo that begins next week. It also runs a photo of Robert Abela with Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban. Abela emphasised the need for connectivity for peripheral member states like Malta. 

In-Nazzjon splashes with "Unacceptable" and writes that Robert Abela is continuing to defend Clayton Bartolo and Clint Camilleri in the face of scandal. 

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