The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers.

Times of Malta reports that Michael Piccinino will stay on for now as PN general secretary after the unexpected death of his heir apparent Karl Gouder. 

The Malta Independent says Naxxar Council has objected to an application for an old people's home outside the development zone. It also reports that the PN has called for the home minister's removal over mounting problems and scandals within his ministerial responsibilities. 

In-Nazzjon leads with a pre-budget meeting which PN leader Bernard Grech had with the Malta Developers' Association. It quotes him as saying that the PN wants sustainable development which respects the environment. 

l-orizzont gives prominence to the prime minister's address at the United Nations General Assembly, where he called for renewed efforts at peace-making and UN reform. 

It also says the leadership of the General Workers' Union had a consultation meeting with PN MPs. 


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