The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta reports court testimony of how a man closely monitored his wife in everything she did, and plotted to kill her. It also reports that the government has approved a policy document on the building of crematoria. 

The Malta Independent quotes an official of the Chamber of Commerce warning of instability caused by frequent changes of ministerial responsibilities and replacement of CEOs of government agencies. It also reports that the Cabinet will discuss a legislative framework for ethical hacking.

l-orizzont says a reform of the Family Court is being prepared, with proposals to guarantee grandparents' access to their grandchildren, and updated regulations on maintenance. 

In-Nazzjon leads with remarks by PN leader Bernard Grech that the country is suffering the consequences of divisions in the Labour Party.  It also reports how European Commissioner Helena Dalli confirmed receiving a threatening note at her home.

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