Transport Malta impounds two vehicles and fines 17 in roadside inspection

Roadside inspections to increase during the festive season to make roads safer

December 23, 2023| Times of Malta 1 min read
Roadside inspections to curb illegalities in St. Paul's bay area. Photo: Transport Malta Roadside inspections to curb illegalities in St. Paul's bay area. Photo: Transport Malta

Transport Malta and police officials dished out 17 contraventions and impounded two vehicles when they stopped and checked 83 vehicles at a roadside inspection in St Paul’s Bay on Friday.

The two impounded vehicles both had foreign number plates and were taken off the road due to “severe violations”, Transport Malta said in a statement.

Both Transport Malta and the Malta Police Force have said they will increase roadside inspections during the festive season, saying the purpose is to make local roads safer.

Transport Malta CEO Jonathan Borg thanked enforcement officers for their work.

“These roadside inspections are critical in maintaining the integrity of our road network and safeguarding the well-being of all road users.

By conducting targeted operations, we aim to enforce traffic regulations and create a safer environment for everyone,” he said. 

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