Two arrested after Naxxar house break-in

Jewellery found in their possession

May 21, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
The arrests were made after a tip-off to the police. File photo.The arrests were made after a tip-off to the police. File photo.

Two 18-year-old men were arrested by the police on Monday night, minutes after they allegedly burgled a house in Naxxar. Stolen jewellery was found in their possession.

The arrests were made at 2.30am in Triq il-Port Ruman, St Paul's Bay after a tip-off to the police.

The two, a Briton and a Maltese, were also found in possession of an axe.

The jewellery was stolen from a house in Triq Ta’ l-Imdawra, Naxxar.

The police said a vehicle was stolen from the same property a few days previously, and cars in the area were vandalised, allegedly by the same two men.

They are expected to be arraigned in the coming days.

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