The Office of the Notary to Government has issued a call for volunteers for the main archive at Triq Mikiel Anton Vassalli, Valletta.

Volunteers would be able to participate in various projects, including the digitisation of the volumes at the main archives - some of which date to the 15th century.

"If you would like to be a part of this new experience and meet up with other people nurturing a similar passion for our documentary heritage and can offer some of your valuable time - whether during the morning, the afternoon, or even the evening – this is your opportunity. Even a few hours of your time can make a huge difference," the office said in a statement. 

The call will close on March 31 and all those selected will be given the the required training.

Those interested can get in touch on or by clicking here.

Photo: Office of the Notary to GovernmentPhoto: Office of the Notary to Government

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