During the last week of October, elections for the students', council were held at Maria Goretti Girls' Secondary School, Tarxien.

This council is made up of 10 students - two from each form - and elections are held annually. The officials (president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer) are chosen from among the elected members.

The students' council meets on a regular basis, and students discuss issues in the presence of link teachers.

The aim of the students' councils is to practise democracy in schools. Students learn how to prepare for elections, how to hold committee meetings and how to be active participants in society especially in the schools themselves.

With the help of teachers, students hold elections enthusiastically. A good number of students stand for election, each of them promoting among their friends, those issues which they consider important for their education and school environment.

Some issues which were highlighted during this year's canvassing campaign include opening hours of the library, benches in the school yards, more lockers for students, and fund-raising activities.

Students will later discuss these issues during council meetings. These are then forwarded to the school administration for approval.

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