The Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority recently launched the Trust You scheme and a code of conduct, with the main objective being that of setting up good commercial practices beneficial to consumers.
Consumers are encouraged to look out for the Trust You logo each time they enter a shop- Odette Vella
Another aim of this scheme is to enhance consumer confidence in genuine businesses and organisations that are willing to commit themselves to providing the best possible service.
Traders who choose to be part of the scheme have the well-being of their customers at heart and will therefore declare to abide by a code of conduct. Customers should be taken care of from first contact with the business/organisation until after the purchase is made.
The Trust You code covers the entire acquisition cycle, starting from the promotion and advertising of products and services, negotiating stage, the actual purchase and after sales.
The latter plays a crucial role. Good after-sales service is what distinguishes one seller from another. Customers’ opinions of a company or organisation very often depend on how they were treated, especially if there was a problem after a purchase.
The scheme is completely voluntary. Trust You is open to any entity that comes into contact with people. It is open to large and small enterprises, to service providers, and also to NGOs.
Local businesses and organisations are free to choose whether or not they want to adopt a stipulated code of conduct when dealing with customers. However, once they decide to be part of this scheme, they will have to adhere to the 10 ethics that constitute the Trust You code of conduct.
Businesses awarded the Trust Mark bind themselves to:
• Promoting a customer-friendly relationship;
• Conforming to all relevant regulations;
• Doing their best to ensure that their premises are accessible and safe;
• Advertising and providing information in a way that does not mislead potential customers;
• Trying to understand customer requirements and advise accordingly;
• Indicating/quoting prices that are all-inclusive;
• Adhering to agreed commitments;
• Ensuring that all complaints are dealt with in a timely manner;
• Avoiding that disputes are referred to the Consumer Claims Tribunal by opting for resolution through mediation; and
• Providing an adequate after-sales customer service.
The scheme has been introduced on trial until the end of the year. The authority encourages businesses and consumers to submit feedback and suggestions during this trial period.
Those who want to be part of the scheme need to fill in an application form and pay an administration fee of €30.
A certificate and logos will be sent to participants. This certificate with the code of conduct printed on it should be displayed prominently at the retail outlet, where consumers can see it.
Once an entity decides to be part of the scheme, the authority will monitor its behaviour with customers to ensure that the code of conduct is properly observed. This monitoring will be conducted through customer complaints and mystery visits.
Consumers are encouraged to look out for the Trust You logo each time they enter a shop. Each year, a new logo is issued indicating the current year.
Businesses that adopt the scheme but fail to adhere to the established code of conduct will be removed from it.
Furthermore, defaulting participants will be listed on the authority’s website.
There will also be a suspension period before these participants will be allowed to re-apply, and applying again will cost €100. They will also be subject to closer monitoring.
For more information, consumers and traders may e-mail the authority at
Ms Vella is senior information officer, Office for Consumer Affairs, Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority.