What does a genius put on his to-do list?

...Leonardo often covered the pages of his notebooks with observations about anatomy...

In Leonardo da Vinci’s case it included getting hold of a skull, observing a brain and describing the jaw of a crocodile.

A previously unseen page from one of the artist and inventor’s notebooks offering a glimpse into his life will go on show as part of a new exhibition next month.

In the list, written around 1510, Leonardo reminds himself to obtain a skull, to get his books on anatomy bound, to observe the holes in the substance of the brain and describe the jaw of a crocodile.

It also includes a list of things he needs to get before going on a journey including paper, charcoal and chalk.

The list will go on display as part of an exhibition of more than 80 pages from his notebooks at The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace, from May 4.

Exhibition curator Martin Clayton said: “Like anyone about to undertake a journey, Leonardo is making a list of things to take with him - though alongside everyday items such as shirts, stockings and a towel, he lists his anatomical tools such as forceps, a scalpel and a bone-saw.

“Soon afterwards we know that he was dissecting corpses in the medical school of the university of Pavia, to the south of Milan, and so this packing list may have been drawn up before a journey to Pavia. This page is fascinating − Leonardo often covered the pages of his notebooks with observations about anatomy but this page gives a really personal insight into Leonardo himself.”

Leonardo is regarded as one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance and was also a pioneering scientist.

The papers were probably bought by King Charles II and have been in the Royal Collection since around 1690.

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