
CASSAR TORREGIANI. On March 5, MARK ANTHONY, of Ta’ Xbiex, passed away peacefully at the age of 82. He leaves to mourn his loss his beloved wife Myriam, née Bellizzi, his sons and their families Julian and Louise, Melissa and Tom, Sophie and Neil; Jeremy and Krystyna, Sebastian, Alexandra and Robyn; Conrad and Sarah, Mary, Benjamin and Max, along with his brothers and sisters and their families, his in-laws and their families. Mass præsente cadavere will be held at St John of the Cross Parish Church, Ta’ Xbiex, on Wednesday, March 8 at 9.15am followed by interment at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. No flowers by request, but donations on his behalf to the Poor Clares at St Clare’s Monastery or Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Siġġiewi, would be greatly appreciated. May the Lord grant him eternal rest.

DE DOMENICO. On March 4, Dr Ivan John, MD, of Sliema and residing at Casa Antonia, Balzan, passed away peacefully at the age of 94. Comforted by the rites of Holy Church, he leaves to mourn his loss his beloved wife Margaret, his dear cousins Louise and Lawrence Coppini, Alexia, Daniel and Nicholas Coppini and their families, his numerous cousins and friends in Malta and overseas. Mass praesente cadavere will be celebrated tomorrow, Tuesday, March 7, at 2pm at Stella Maris parish church, Sliema, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. Special thanks to the management and staff at Casa Antonia for their care and kind dedication. May the Lord grant him eternal rest. 

FARRUGIA. On Sunday, March 5, DENISE, of Santa Luċija, aged 58, passed away peacefully at Mater Dei hospital comforted by the rites of Holy Church. She leaves to mourn her loss her mother Evelyn, her siblings Sandra and her husband William, Simone, Helen and her husband Martin, her partner James, her nephews and nieces James and his wife Elaine, Robert and Lara, Elaine, Luke and Amy, cousins, relatives and friends. The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital tomorrow, Tuesday, March 7, at 2pm, for Santa Luċija parish church where Mass præsente cadavere will be celebrated at 2.30pm, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. No flowers by request but donations to Dar Bjorn, would be appreciated. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

In Memoriam

CAMILLERI. In loving memory of JOSEPH, beloved father to Fiona, Jeremy James and Wayne Clark on this the second anniversary of his passing. Forever in our hearts and dreams.

GALEA CURMI – PAUL. Fond and grateful memories of a loving father, today the 16th anniversary of his passing away to a better life, joining our mother Josette forever. We miss you both greatly, but the love and faith you shared live on in the hearts of all whom you touched by your life. Their children and families. A Mass celebrating their life will be said today at 7.15pm, at the Old Church of the Annunciation, Three Churches Street, Balzan.

ZAMMIT. Remembering our dear uncle FRANZ, today the 19th anniversary of his passing away. Tony and Nadya, Eddie and Marie Lou, Mimi and Arthur, Sarah, Alexia, Lisa and Edward. Forever in our thoughts and prayers.

MARIA BORG. Loving and precious memories of a dearest mum and nanna on the first anniversary of her new life. Always in our hearts and prayers. May the Lord grant her eternal rest. Suzanne, Adrian, Giuliana and all the family. A Mass for the repose of her soul is being said today, Monday, March 6, at 7.15pm at St Augustine parish church, Valletta.

In loving memory of FRANCIS X. ZAMMIT who went to meet the Risen Lord  on March 6, 2004. Treasured memories of a dear husband, father and grandfather. Always in our thoughts and prayers. His wife Maria, son Gerald and his wife Caroline, Maria, widow of his son Julian and grandchildren Matthew and his wife Lyn, Amanda and her husband Jonathan and Julia. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

In loving memory of VICTOR GALEA PACE - 6.3.2015 on the eighth anniversary of his demise. Deeply mourned by his wife Vivienne, his sons Kurt, Mark and Ruth, his grandchildren Nicola and Jordan, his great-grandchildren Jack and Nina, brothers and sisters, in-laws, relatives and friends. A loving nature; A heart of gold; The very best; This world could hold. Never selfish, always kind; These are the memories; You left behind; A silent thought; A quiet prayer; For a special persom; In God's care. A prayer is solicited. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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