A wise man once told me that I should never worry if only a few protest. Those few, he said, should never lose heart. They should, in fact, persevere so long as they know they are in the right.

This is so true, so frighteningly true.

Joseph Muscat and his closest allies know this. A few protested way back at the horrors of what the former prime minister and his buddies did, let happen, stopped from happening and, especially, covered up and destroyed.

Muscat and his closest buddies know all about the few protesting as they were made to resign in utter shame. The few moved foundations and bastions of impunity long thought unassailable. The few believed in what Daphne Caruana Galizia had written and had been uncovering before she was brutally executed.

The few knew they were right. And right, in the end, after too much torment, does triumph. But, sadly, even if the wise man is right and even if, at the end of it all, truth did prevail, it’s tragic, it’s monstrous, it’s totally unacceptable that such a little is happening right now. That so few are up in arms.

The recent court decision regarding the Vitals scandal proved yet again Daphne was right. If only people had listened to her back then. What a lot of heartache, money, blood spillage would have been spared.

We’d have saved ourselves the brutal murder of the best investigative journalist ever seen on these islands; we’d have avoided the terrible downslide in Malta’s reputation worldwide.

Yet, Malta’s erstwhile leaders go on as if nothing of this gravity happened on the watch of Muscat, who is still seen as one of Labour’s leading stars. Or, as he used to call it, the Labour Movement.

Muscat was, and still is, part of the Labour Party. He has not been thrown out. People revered him as the messiah, the Moses, who led the party out of exile. Before he came around, before he took over the party and converted it into a machine to feed corruption and corrupt henchmen, Labour languished out of power.

Muscat led them to power. And they, his supporters and Labour sympathisers and loyalists, still think that he was the statesman beyond statesmanship. Giving them victory after so long in the political wilderness was, and remains, something they can never forget and they remain eternally grateful, whatever his ills, warts and alleged corruption.

It’s totally unacceptable that so few are up in arms- Victor Calleja

There was the report by the three judges about the Caruana Galizia murder, which stated clearly that the state – and, therefore, Muscat and his government – was responsible for her murder. Then the judge in the Vitals case said clearly that there was corruption in the deal.

How Muscat remains out of the claws of justice is a mystery. That he is still seen as a great politician is beyond belief. That no one in the Labour hierarchy has screamed out for a thorough investigation in all Muscat and his close cronies were involved in is utterly shameful.

Labour sails on, totally unfazed by what has happened since they took power. That the party, after these devastating judgments and indictments, is not in crisis situation and imploding is only believable because this is Malta. Only a country with no moral fibre in its people could allow all this and just surge on as if nothing has happened.

Labour should be in its last throes, suffering away, attacked by those inside and on the outside.

People, not the few but masses of them, should be out protesting. Not once but daily.

If this were a normal country everyone, including true Labourites, would be out shouting their anger at all those who have betrayed their trust.

Labour and its representatives took the public and Labourites for a total ride. They stole money from them. And, yet, no one is pointing fingers at the people who took decisions when this shocking corruption was happening.

Robert Abela might scream out that he was not part of government then. He was most certainly a part of the Labour Movement. No one from that movement has yet been thrown out or investigated.

For Abela and all his party, it’s time to act or be damned for all time as corrupt and as a facilitator of corruption.

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