Marsaxlokk pier

A few days ago, the pier along the former Services slip (near Is-Sajjied Restaurant) at Marsaxlokk was modified by somebody, presumably to accommodate his needs. The height of this pier, as modified, would no longer be suitable for use by small boats...

February 24, 2007| Mr Alfred Falzon, Marsaxlokk.1 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

A few days ago, the pier along the former Services slip (near Is-Sajjied Restaurant) at Marsaxlokk was modified by somebody, presumably to accommodate his needs. The height of this pier, as modified, would no longer be suitable for use by small boats and speedboats.

A request for this modification was neither shown on MEPA's Website nor was the usual MEPA notice affixed. So one can reach the conclusion that work on this public structure is illegal and, as such, the pier should be restored to its former state. Marsaxlokk council may help in this matter.

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