Ministerial change not a symptom of education sector failure - MUT

There has been no failure in the education sector, and the change of education ministers last Saturday should not be interpreted as such, the Malta Union of Teachers said on Tuesday.  Justyne Caruana replaced Owen Bonnici as education minister in the...

November 24, 2020| Times of Malta 1 min read
Justyne Caruana and Owen Bonnici. Justyne Caruana and Owen Bonnici.

There has been no failure in the education sector, and the change of education ministers last Saturday should not be interpreted as such, the Malta Union of Teachers said on Tuesday. 

Justyne Caruana replaced Owen Bonnici as education minister in the Cabinet reshuffle. It was the third ministerial change this year, Bonnici having taken over from long-serving minister Evarist Bartolo in January. 

The MUT in its statement insisted that the work of educators must not fall victim to political decisions. 

It said the education system was far from being a failure, as evidenced by the hard work put in by educators in and outside their classrooms when the pandemic broke out.

It urged Caruana to continue to build on the good work done so far in the interests of education and safety. 

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