A new set of books about implementing geospatial technologies in real and virtual worlds looks at how location information can be used to enhance people’s lives.
The three-book set features 93 chapters focused on geographic information systems (GIS) and their use in natural, physical, social and virtual environments.
A total of 108 authors from Malta and abroad contributed to the publications, which were edited by academics Janice Formosa-Pace, Saviour Formosa, Charles Galdies, Elaine Sciberras and Marc Bonazountas.
University of Malta rector Alfred Vella was presented with a copy of the three books at an event held earlier this week. Editors explained that the books contain proposals on how to implement GIS Technologies in policymaking, academia, industry and the general public.
The work is the result of years of research and project implementation involving EU-funded Planning Authority projects focused on location-based Technologies.
The SIntegraM project, which is ERDF-funded, seeks to develop and implement a national spatial data infrastructure and make that available to all government entities. The SpatialTRAIN project offers 175 scholarships to study geomatic-related topics, expanding local expertise in GIS-related topics. It is funded by the EU’s ESF.
“Malta is the forerunner in many areas in GIS and these books are the result of both research and operations as driven by society’s need for rapid advancement and progress. Everything builds on a map and together these chapters deliver a holistic approach to make the Maltese islands future-resilient,” editors said.
Prof. Vella commended the extensive work presented and augured for more research and implementation inroads into the spatial domain.
The three books are:
1. Formosa, S., Sciberras, E. & Bonazountas, M., (Eds). (2022). Pathways to Spatial Cognition: A Multi-Domain Approach - SpatialTrain I, Planning Authority
2. Formosa, S., Sciberras, E. & Galdies, C., (Eds). (2022). Applied Geomatics Approaches in the Maltese Islands - SpatialTrain II, Planning Authority
3. Formosa, S., Formosa Pace, J. & Sciberras, E., (Eds). (2022). Virtualis: Social, Spatial and Technological Spaces in Real and Virtual Domains - SpatialTrain III, Planning Authority