Today's front pages - April 9, 2023

The top stories in Maltas newspapers on Sunday

April 9, 2023| Times of Malta 2 min read
The Sunday newspapers.The Sunday newspapers.

The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Sunday.  a Happy Easter to all. 

Times of Malta reports that Deputy Police Commissioner Ramon Mercieca has resigned from the FIAU board and has not returned to work with the force since a photo of him attending Rosianne Cutajar’s baby gender reveal party emerged last month.

The newspaper also reports Finance Minister Clyde Caruana as saying that Malta must find other ways to grow the economy in a future that “must rest on everything except construction.”

MaltaToday in its lead focuses on Covid's big mental scar on burnt-out parents. It also says chain store cannabis clubs are permitted under Malta's new rules.

The Malta Independent says that a year before his term expires, President George Vella fears he may have to stay on if there is no agreement on a successor. A successor needs to be elected with the support of two-thirds of the members of parliament.

It-Torcċa reports that inflation has been kept in check at 7% but there is concern about rising oil prices after a drop in production. 

Il-Mument says a plan by Robert Abela to have Ramona Attard co-opted to parliament instead of Rosianne Cutajar has failed because Cutajar held on to her seat as an independent. Attard is the president of the Labour Party. 

KullĦadd says 100 million euros are being spent each month on social benefits. It also says 600 people who received treatment at Mt Carmel Hospital have been relocated to the community since 2018.

Illum says the most disillusioned sector of the electorate wants to see a new political party formed. It also asks whether the pressure to force Rosianne Cutajar to leave the Labour parliamentary group was the result of higher ethical standards, as claimed by the prime minister, or public anger.  

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