A total of 64 presepji or traditional nativity cribs will be taking part in a national competition, Culture Minister Owen Bonnici announced as applications closed on Tuesday. 

Participants will be categorised into several groups, including large mechanical and static cribs, Maltese cribs, locally crafted figurines as well as the preparation and organization of exhibition spaces where the cribs are displayed, among others. 

Bonnici said that a QR code will be generated that will allow users to pull up map locations of all the cribs in competition in order to visit them. 

“This will make it easier to access the sites of these exhibitions, and we believe the QR code will enable enthusiasts and visitors to find and explore these displays more easily,” Bonnici said.

“Let us embrace the spirit of creativity, community, and tradition as we see the ideas and dreams unfold in every nativity scene presented. Let us preserve and honour this intangible cultural heritage that holds a special place in our hearts and in our culture,” he added. 

The presepji entered in the competition will be open to the public from Monday, December 16, 2024 until Sunday, January 5, 2025. 

Exhibitions will be open from 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm from Monday through Sunday. On Sundays and public holidays, the exhibition sites will also open in the morning between 10 am and noon. 

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