Application fee for students' bus card waived for two months

Aim is to make public transport more affordable

March 6, 2023| Times of Malta 1 min read
The application fee for the students' bus card has been waived for two months.The application fee for the students' bus card has been waived for two months.

Malta Public Transport has waived the €15 fee for applications for the Student Tallinja Card.

"The aim of this special offer is to make public transport even more affordable and accessible for students across Malta and Gozo," the bus operator said.

“By providing students with a free Tallinja Card, we hope to encourage them to travel in a more sustainable manner,” said Diane Oswald, Head of Communications. “Additionally, the free public transport initiative empowers students to be more independent, allowing them to explore new places and opportunities at no cost."

This promotion will be available during March and April and is open to all full-time students enrolled in a course in Malta or Gozo. To qualify for the offer, students must submit their applications online through the Malta Public Transport website ( during the promotion period. While the application fee will be waived, students will still be required to pay the €2.87 postage fee.

The Student Tallinja Card also entitled users to discounted travel rates on other services such as direct routes, on-demand services, Valletta Ferry Services and Tallinja Bike rentals.   

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