On August 3, around 1.30pm, I was having a look at Times of Malta when I read the news that the man who fell four storeys down a lift shaft to his death was identified as engineer Robert Schembri from Santa Luċija.
I had known Robert since my days as PRO with then (late 1980s) minister for water and energy Ninu Zammit, the man behind the Delimara power station, and the Tigné and Marfa reverse osmosis plants.
Robert was an intelligent, bright and clever engineer with the Water Services Corporation, whom Ninu and Antoine Riolo trusted and entrusted with projects for enhancing the water provision, much-needed in those days, all over the islands. We had been experiencing water provision shortages for several years.
Together with others, Robert helped build and organise a new technical division in the Water Works buildings in Luqa.
He was still very young. He always had a happy smile on his radiant face. He was a real gentleman… always ready to help, always ready to make friends. He was full of energy, ready to work with others, and execute what was required of him. He always looked happy; he was a happy family man and a happy man at work.
In his younger years, he used to teach MUSEUM classes. And he grew up to be a devoted, practising Catholic. Up to some years ago, he helped in the organisation of the Cana Movement courses for engaged couples in Santa Luċija parish, where he settled and brought up a family with two sons, Matthew and Julian.
My wife and I used to meet him, together with his wife Rita, after Church celebrations in the locality’s parish church. We used to talk about the times we spent with Ninu, about his responsibilities in present-day projects… and he used to show appreciation for my writings in The Sunday/Times of Malta.
His engineering talents were appreciated and wisely made use of in large projects executed during those last years of Labour administration.
On August 3, he was helping one of his sons when Our Lord called him – an outstanding engineer, an exceptionally good and upright man, a sincere husband and an exemplary father.
All the friends you made in your life shall miss you.
Rita, your loving wife whom you adored, and your sons shall treasure the love, care and wonderful life you have cherished with them.
To you, my wife’s and my sincere condolences.
Goodbye, Robert; God the Almighty must have already embraced you in Eternal Life.
Joe Zammit Ciantar