The Soċjetà Każin Santa Liena Banda Duke of Connaught’s Own and the TEAK Commission are organising a Biblical walk and Passion drama along the streets of Birkirkara on April 12.

There will be a parade with Roman characters from near the old church to the society’s headquarters on Triq il-Wied, at 4.30pm. The Biblical walk will start at 5pm, with over 300 participants, including the Duke of Connaught’s Own Band under the direction of Aurelio Belli, the Qawra Scout Group and the Legio x Fretenses.

The procession will pass through Triq il-Wied, Triq in-Naxxar, Triq Anġlu Mallia, Triq l-Isqof Labini, Triq il-Kbira, Pjazza Sant’Elena, Triq Santu Rokku, and return to Triq il-Wied. A statue of Christ the Redeemer will be carried along the way.

A Passion drama titled Ecce Homo will then be staged at around 8.15pm. Consisting of eight acts, it is written by Sandro Galan and directed by Stephen Cutajar and Joelyne Scerri.

About 55 actors are taking part.

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