“Behold, I send an angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared” (Ex 23:20). This is an extract from the Book of Exodus, and we find practically the same words in Psalm 91: “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” (Ps 91:11).

We recently celebrated the memorial of the guardian angels, who are an expression of God’s care: watching over us, saving us “from the fowler’s snare” (Ps 91:3), and protecting us. This is why we speak of an angel who is a ‘guardian’. This angel manifests the tremendous love of God, who is not distant from us, but wants to accompany us and protect us throughout our lives. The guardian angels epitomise God’s closeness and his protection.

In the present historical circumstances, when the Christian values we cherish are being challenged, we truly need this closeness and protection. So today, I would like to share this heartfelt prayer to the Lord:

Protect us, O Lord, from the widespread and mistaken mentality that integrity and honesty are beautiful values which apply only to the saints in heaven, not to human beings. It is a mentality that gives the impression that these are not realistic values, and that they are relevant only to some holy people living in the clouds, not to those living here today. It is this mentality that leads to all types of illegalities and the corrosion of society’s foundations.

Protect us, O Lord, from the widespread and mistaken mentality that integrity and honesty are beautiful values which apply only to the saints in heaven, not to human beings

Protect us, O Lord, from the mentality that evil can be justified or excused, and ultimately it becomes a way of life that is institutionalised and normalised. It is the mentality that says: “Isn’t this what everyone is doing?”; and what everyone is doing becomes the criterion of what is right and just. With this frame of mind, the person who tries to fight against evil is the one who is seen as abnormal.

Protect us, O Lord, from the mentality where evil is given a façade so that it will appear beautiful – where corruption and bribery are disguised as some sort of social assistance or help to people in need, and almost pass off as Christian values. With this mentality, assistance is given to those who need a favour, even if they are not entitled to it. The ones who cheat and deceive become the ‘saints’ to whom one turns because one is sure of their help.

Protect us, O Lord, from the mentality where equality is applicable for certain areas in society, but equal treatment is not guaranteed to everyone; where the law applies to some people, but not to others.

Protect us, O Lord, from the mentality of despair, which does not allow us to have the courage to make decisions that are just, even if not popular, or that go against the current. Help us carry out our responsibilities with integrity, impartiality, full respect for the truth, and without favouritism.

Psalm 91 says: “Whoever goes to the Lord for safety, whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty, can say to him: You are my defender and protector. You are my God; in you I trust” (Ps 91:1).

Do protect us, O Lord.



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