Three civil society groups have called on Byron Camilleri to shoulder responsibility and resign amid serious allegations of an ID card racket. 

Last week former PN MP and lawyer Jason Azzopardi filed a court application seeking an urgent magisterial inquiry into what he believes to be a large-scale identity fraud racket

He has claimed that some 18,000 Maltese ID cards were issued on the back of documents falsified by Identita officials. 

Separately, the lawyer has also brought to light cases of people who fear their property is being used to commit fraud, after receiving bills from telephone companies addressed to people that have never lived there

In a statement on Friday, the NGOs Repubblika, aditus and the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation said that the severity of the accusations are a stark reminder of the "pervasive corruption" that plagues the public service. 

The alleged activities constitute a severe breach of public trust with potentially devastating consequences for vulnerable individuals who may have fallen victim to exploitation," they said. 

"They also underscore the pressing need to protect victims of trafficking, often left voiceless and exposed when public institutions fail to ensure their well-being."

The three groups also expressed solidarity with public servants who work to uphold the values of integrity and transparency in the face of systemic corruption. 

We also express our solidarity with all public servants working diligently and in good faith, striving to uphold the values of integrity and transparency in the face of systemic corruption. 

"In light of so many shocking revelations, anything shorter than the highest form of accountability is an affront to the entire nation," they continued.

"We therefore call for the immediate resignation of the Minister of Home Affairs, Security and Employment. We also expect to see full and effective investigations into all allegations, with all perpetrators brought to justice." 

On Thursday the PN also demanded Camilleri's resignation, saying that his prolonged silence in the face of a series of 'chaotic' scandals is a sure sign that it is time for him to step down. 

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