Geotechnical studies kick off at new Gozo hospital site

Health Minister Jo Etienne Abela visits site

December 6, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
Geotechnical studies test physical properties of the bedrock. Photo: MHAGeotechnical studies test physical properties of the bedrock. Photo: MHA

Geotechnical studies on the Victoria site that will host the new Gozo General Hospital have kicked off, with the Health Minister promising the new building will become a hub for the local community and visitors.

On Friday, Jo Etienne Abela visited the works, noting that the new modern building will include rehabilitation facilities and a parking lot that is bigger than the current one. 

Engineer James Grima said geotechnical studies tested the physical properties of the bedrock. 

Health Minister Jo Etienne Abela visiting works on Friday. Photo: MHAHealth Minister Jo Etienne Abela visiting works on Friday. Photo: MHA

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