The Gozo Rabat primary school, known as The Happy School, recently hosted a three-year-old Palestinian girl, who was hurt in an Israeli air strike last November.

Selah Hajras, accompanied by her father Ashraf, arrived in Malta for medical treatment in February, after she suffered severe leg injuries when her house in southern Gaza was hit by an Israeli air strike. She lost her mother and brother in the attack.

The girl was given a warm welcome by the school’s administration and by the teachers and students, who all wore white as a symbol of peace.

Kinder 2 children and Year 5 students sung and animated the song Peace for her. Then, three Year 1 students presented Selah with a big card created by the teachers and a money donation.

Selah, with (from left) assistant heads Nadine Grech and Helga Vella, and head of school Lelio Spiteri.Selah, with (from left) assistant heads Nadine Grech and Helga Vella, and head of school Lelio Spiteri.

Year 4 student Maria Maddalena then danced to the music of a Lady Gaga song, followed by the distribution of ‘bookmarks’ by Year 5 students. The bookmarks, made by the students themselves, carried a peace message.

The young girl blew kisses and smiled as children gathered around her and one by one offered her books and toys as We are the World played on.

At the end of the event, Palestinian Ambassador Fadi Hanina thanked all the children and the school’s administration for the warm welcome given to Selah and said the aim of the visit was for all children to learn more about the importance of peace and agreement rather than war which brought only trouble and violence.

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