A project to upgrade the Kalkara square and shoreline has been completed and inaugurated on Friday evening. 

The project consists of 16,500 square meters of open space, a 3,000 square meters pedestrian area in the same square, a new playground, street furniture on the promenade, a new lighting system, and trees planted to embellish the centre. 

The work was carried out by the Grand Harbour Regeneration Project (GHRC). 

No details were provided on how much the regeneration project costs.

Inaugurating the project, Prime Minister Robert Abela said the square was recreated to give an open space to the people and families. He described the project as an important one among the other big projects in Cottonera. 

Prime Minister Robert Abela inagurating the Kalkara project on Friday evening. Photo: DOIPrime Minister Robert Abela inagurating the Kalkara project on Friday evening. Photo: DOI

He said Malta is attracting good investment with quality projects that put families at the heart of such projects. 

He praised GHRC for creating a space that was once occupied by vehicles, now a space for families to enjoy by the shoreline. 

“We want Kalkara to be more beautiful, but by this we also want it to remain with its particular characteristics,” Abela said. 

He also took a moment to mention the role of Local Councils in the important works that are carried out in collaboration with government entities. 

Environment Minister Miriam Dalli described the project as a major one that not only embellished Kalkara but also modernised the services and provided an open space in the heart of the locality. 

“A project that is a symbol of our commitment to continue creating more open spaces, where the community, families, and people can meet,” she said. 

Kalkara Mayor Wayne Aquilina and GHRC CEO Gino Cauchi also spoke at the inauguration. 

Environment Minister Miriam Dalli on Friday. Photo: DOIEnvironment Minister Miriam Dalli on Friday. Photo: DOI

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