Tourism development

Further to my letter ‘And, yes, more hotels’ (July 29), I now read from AP (Associated Press) that: “To safeguard and expand the housing supply for full-time residents, the authorities in Barcelona are planning to rid the Spanish city (known for its architecture, beaches and Catalan culture) of the 10,000 apartments licensed as short-term rentals” (AP News, July 28).

Spanish authorities are going to rid Barcelona of short-term rentals for tourists. Photo: Shutterstock.comSpanish authorities are going to rid Barcelona of short-term rentals for tourists. Photo:

Existing tourist apartment licences will not be renewed after they expire in 2028.

It will not only be Spanish but also Maltese citizens and the authorities who would be benefiting from downsizing and/or imposing moratoria on tourism-related development or real estate activity in their countries.

John Consiglio – Birkirkara   

Generosity is rewarded

I would like to thank the Mission Fund and also the benefactors for the generous sum of money (€7,000) for the poor and also mass intentions.

Also, I wish to thank the public for supporting the Mission Fund and encourage them to keep helping us through them.

Donations may be made online or by direct bank transfer to one of the following accounts: HSBC (account no.: 061 197 448 050), BOV (account no.: 163 007 980 19], APS (account no.: 200 008 207 62] or BANIF (account no.: 000 879 631 01].

More information may be accessed from the website

Be assured that whatever we give, it will given to us a hundredfold more, as the good Lord has promised us.

Also note that you will be always in our prayers.

Thank you for your generosity and may the Lord bless you always.

Angelo Falzon OFM – La Paz, Honduras

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