The Moroccan ruse

On New Year’s Day, a Turkish Airlines plane on its way from Turkey to Morocco was diverted to Malta after a medical emergency was reported with regard to a Moroccan deportee. No public announcements were made but it was only when the ‘bird’ had left its nest that we became aware of what apparently had happened at Malta International Airport.

While the officials were giving their due attention to the alleged patient, the latter’s friends were quick to organise the flight of four of his compatriots by jumping off the plane and run towards the perimeter fence, scaling it and vanish. Two were captured and two successfully made their way to God only knows where. As I write, they are still on the run.


Does MIA have a first aid room suitably equipped for a medical doctor to assess the situation of a ‘patient’ prior to deciding the fate of that ‘patient’?

Does MIA have at its disposal a practising doctor who would be on call 24 hours a day?

Was the AFM’s chopper made use of to trace the two culprits?

Why were the three Moroccans not charged in court for having broken the laws of Malta and the airport’s regulations?

It appears that the officials concerned (AFM, the police and airport security) swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker. No wonder the AFM commander could not give an explanation when journalists asked for his comments. Likewise, the minister concerned.

Still, the two Moroccans are free to roam our islands. Let me hope their arrest will not be the cause of some ugly incident.

Anthony Saliba – St Paul’s Bay

Wonder of wonders…

The US never stops amazing me! In which other country/ies of the world (excepting the Rev. theologian’s ‘Impunitania’!) will a person be pronounced by the highest court of the land as guilty of a criminal (ergo, by definition, a crime against society) deed and the court will not include as an integral part of its sentence provisions (fine, prison, community work, etc.) for giving back to that same society something that would have been usurped from it?

Looks as if it is even the law books that Donald Trump will be tearing up.

John Consiglio – Birkirkara

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