Middle East conflict
Each day, we hear of the escalation of the wars between Israel and the surrounding Arab nations.
At the centre of the conflict is Gaza, the remains of what still is not a recognised Palestinian state. It is clearly essential for peace and justice for the suffering, that the United Nations, with full support from EU countries, Britain and the US, establish at least a protected initial Palestine state and guarantee its openness to aid and trade.
I am sure we all know the difficulties of dealing with tyrannical Israel and the terrorist groups surrounding it. But the situation is almost the worst in this area for a very long time and Malta should be among the nations that must desperately strive for peace to save the lives of thousands.
Christopher John Linskill – Ħamrun
Traffic nuisance

It is unbelievable that, after four months of absence since his election as Labour MEP, Daniel Attard denies traffic in Malta is a hassle and insists he would like to see a study of the situation.
Whether Attard was serious or bluffing when he uttered these words, I have no clue. Probably the latter.
How is it possible that this MEP, after just a short period of time away from Malta, has forgotten the disastrous situation we have been experiencing for years now? Everyone in Malta is complaining, except him. Traffic is not a serious problem in Malta for him.
It is useless for Transport Minister Chris Bonnett to blow his trumpet in parliament saying €700 million were spent on roads, mostly to ease the problem. Traffic jams are still very common on our roads at all times of the day.
Maybe Bonnett would like to have a quick look at the thousands of imported foreign workers. These people move about like us and even drive on our roads, like us.
Attard would do well to think more before pronouncing words that are senseless, untrue and which only irritate the Maltese. Could be that, when in Malta, he travels from one village to the other by using a private short-range plane or else use the imaginary metro, once-promised by his government.
Being credible is a very important value in one’s character and Attard would do well to adopt it.