Any review of the local plans must not lead to further development, a number of residents' groups and NGO Il-Kollettiv insisted on Wednesday.
Noting statements made by the prime minister and the leader of the opposition, the groups said that a review of the local plans without a suspension of development in rationalisation zones would effectively lead to more construction. The rationalisation zones are areas where development was given the go-ahead some 15 years ago after having initially been outside development zones.
The groups said the government should also introduce measures to eliminate various loopholes in secondary policies which have led to a spate of applications for tall buildings on the limits of urban conservation areas.
In July the groups called for a moratorium on the rationalisation zones, suspension of large projects, the enforcement of buffer zones around UCAs, and the refusal of applications for new roads opening virgin land for development.
“The Prime Minister and his Cabinet had been insisting that local plans could not change, now the tune is starting to change. We wonder if this is a way to justify the shambolic way in which the change in the St Julians Local Plan is being carried out, or a ploy to further weaken the protection afforded to our towns by the local plans,” said Wayne Flask, Secretary of il-Kollettiv.
“It’s worrying to hear the prime minister implying that rationalisation zones are here to stay. These are the main source of anger for many residents, especially in towns where the borders are no longer recognisable, and whose identity is being rapidly lost to development. In Zurrieq and the surrounding region, the plan is to create one huge agglomeration of built-up land, which will result in the destruction of the green belt, lead to more congestion, and generate overpopulation.”
Back in July, the resident groups held a press conference in Zurrieq where they highlighted the issues in their towns. They then wrote to the Prime Minister and Planning Minister, in a letter signed by the Għaqda Residenti taż-Żurrieq, Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa, Għaqda Storja u Kulturali Marsa, Inħarsu Santa Luċija, Residenti tal-Imqabba, Residenti tal-Qrendi, Residenti ta’ Ħal Safi, Residenti tas-Swatar, Siġġiwin Nieħdu Azzjoni, Sliema Residents Association, Marsaskala Residents Network, Marsaxlokk Heritage, Wirt iż-Żejtun and il-Kollettiv.
No reply has been received yet.
The groups called on the prime minister and the leader of the opposition for a serious discussion on their points for a planning reform, also noting how both major parties have publicly admitted their availability to meet big developers.