This myth has probably been spread through movies showing that when a person has an abrasion, they reach out for the vodka to clean the wound. This idea is not quite right, and it is painful and can delay healing due to harm to the tissue.

The best way to clean a minor wound is with cool running water and mild soap, thus removing dirt, debris and bacteria. If the wound is large, deep or the bleeding doesn’t stop, you should seek help from a healthcare professional.

Alcohol rubs, such as surgical spirit, should only be used on infected wounds since alcohol damages the cells of the bacteria. However, for it to be effective, it needs to have a much higher alcohol concentration level which is not normally found in drinks aimed for consumption.

For it to be effective, an alcohol rub needs to have a much higher alcohol concentration level which is not normally found in drinks aimed for consumption

And should you keep a wound moist and covered?

Yes to both! Moisture helps wounds heal faster and prevents the bandage from sticking to the wound. A thin layer of antiseptic cream or antibiotic ointment will help prevent infection and keep the wound clean.

Moreover, covering the wound with an adhesive strip or a bandage protects the wound from rubbing against clothing, dirt and bacteria, thus helping the wound to heal faster.

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