Robert Abela meets Glenn Micallef after EU commissioner grilling session

Abela "satisfied" that Micallef is entrusted with a crucial portfolio

November 16, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
Prime Minister Robert Abela and Glenn Micallef during a meeting at Castille. Credit: DOIPrime Minister Robert Abela and Glenn Micallef during a meeting at Castille. Credit: DOI

Robert Abela has held a meeting with Glenn Micallef, days after Malta’s European Commissioner nominee sailed through the MEP grilling.

While congratulating Micallef for his presentation, the prime minister expressed his satisfaction that Micallef is being entrusted with an “important” and “crucial” EU portfolio. 

The Maltese 35-year-old will serve as European Commisioner for Intergenerational Fairness, Youth, Culture and Sport. 

Abela said Malta must continue to see young people as the driving force capable of challenging the status quo and to improve the quality of various aspects of people’s lives. 

Micallef said he will be meeting with various young people from all EU member states, while Abela invited him to a meeting of the Youth Advisory Forum in Malta. 

Abela wished Micallef every success in his future work for the benefit of Malta and the European Union.

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