‘Providing users with the most accurate casino reviews that we can deliver’
We want to create content that people can trust, say Klaas Knook and Matt Schwachofer, founders of The Casino Wizard

When was The Casino Wizard founded and with what main aims?
The Casino Wizard was founded in 2017. From the start, we had one clear goal, as cliché as it may sound: provide our readers with the best and most accurate reviews that we can produce. We look to create content that people can trust. We understood the importance of prioritizing quality over quantity in what many would describe as a saturated market.
Attracting and retaining talent is one of the main challenges most companies face. What investments do you make in order to succeed in attracting talent and helping people grow within your company?
We aim to make everyone feel as involved as possible with the project. Every member of the team is encouraged to share their feedback and ideas, whether they’ve been part of the company from the start or collaborate with us on a part-time basis. Since almost every member of our team works from home, we try to make sure that their setup is as optimal as possible.
We don’t think it’s a coincidence that our team members always seem to stick around for a long time.
How do you keep people motivated?
At The Casino Wizard, what everyone does counts. We like to set achievable short-term goals for our team, which contribute to reaching our long-term objectives. These short-term goals make our team’s progress tangible, which plays a crucial role in keeping everyone motivated. Even though there’s a structure in place, we value everyone’s input and involve them in our decision-making process.
In such a competitive industry, how do you foster a solution-oriented mindset?
Everyone knows what their team members are doing at all times. We use Trello to keep everyone aware of current tasks and assign team members content that we work on in sprints. We have open communication channels at all times and we hold progress meetings often.
Is admitting failure, and striving to succeed, an individual effort, or can it be translated into a company’s ethos?
It can be translated into a company’s ethos for sure. When someone fails, we all fail – but when someone succeeds, the entire company succeeds. That’s how we’ve approached things from the start. We’re in this together, after all!
What’s next for The Casino Wizard?
We’ll keep doing what we’re best at: providing users with the most accurate casino reviews that we can deliver, and continually strive to outdo ourselves in this regard. At The Casino Wizard, we like to introduce updates that add both QoL improvements and more useful information to our content. Long-term readers will notice that our reviews are constantly updated with new information and features.