Thirteen residents' associations are demanding a freeze of all rezoning applications and large-scale projects across Malta and Gozo, saying all such developments need to be justified by proper studies before receiving the green light.  

The demands are among a list of 13 sent to Prime Minister Robert Abela by the activist group il-Kollettiv on Tuesday, in which residents also asked to meet with Abela to explain their requests further.

Il-Kollettiv was acting on behalf of resident associations in localities across the country, from Marsascala to Swatar, Sliema and Safi.

Residents say they want the Planning Authority to refuse applications to open up cul-de-sacs or new roads that will provide access to pockets of virgin land that can then be developed.

They also want a suspension on the construction of tall buildings, yacht marinas, land reclamation and other such projects, as well as plans to reform the DC15 policy scrapped altogether, with a new policy drafted with input from residents.

Residents also want:

  • PA board members to be made individually responsible for decisions they take
  • A PA circular concerning locality buffer zones (PA3/2000) to be respected and implemented
  • Urban Conservation Area (UCA) buffer zones to be revised and respected
  • Any policy that allows development in Outside Development Zones or the sanctioning of such developments to be withdrawn
  • An Urban Capacity Study prepared by the PA in 2022 to be published
  • A revised SPED policy document, completed by the PA in 2022, to be published for public consultation
  • Studies to mitigate the impact of rising sea levels on coastal towns
  • Applications affected by these amendments to be subject to a moratorium

“These demands are written by residents, whose concerns are based on the realities faced by our towns and villages. Since 2006, they have seen a relentless construction activity resulting in massive buildings that are incompatible with the townscapes, and have no respect for the historical, environmental and rural characteristics of their localities,” said Matthew Borg, treasurer of Il-Kollettiv, who is working with the resident groups on the reform.

“Besides this, these demands reflect the residents’ serious concerns about their quality of life, as the speculation encouraged by bad planning has pushed them, together with rural and urban considerations, to the very bottom of the scale of importance.”

 The groups presenting these demands and supported by Il-Kollettiv are:

  • Għaqda Residenti taż-Żurrieq
  • Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa
  • Għaqda Storika u Kulturali Marsa
  • Inħarsu Santa Luċija
  • Residenti tal-Imqabba
  • Residenti tal-Qrendi
  • Residenti ta’ Ħal Safi
  • Residenti tas-Swatar
  • Sliema Residents Association
  • Siġġiwin Nieħdu Azzjoni
  • Marsaskala Residents Network
  • Marsaxlokk Heritage
  • Wirt iż-Żejtun

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