Updated 5.40pm with new video

Veteran Maltese singer Joe Cutajar has died, his brother Frank announced on Facebook on Thursday.

He was 83.

Valletta born and bred, Cutajar will be best remembered for his participation in the Eurovision Song Contest with Helen Micallef in 1972 when they sang L-Imħabba.

Cutajar's singing career spanned decades and saw him singing in various countries, including the UK where he spent two years working as a cabaret artist in London's West End in the 1960s. He was also among the soloists in the rock opera Ġensna.

He continued to sing up until a few months ago. 

Joe Cutajar performing with Angela Vella Zarb and the Malta Concert Orchestra in November 2022.

Tributes have started pouring in. 

Singer, songwriter Mark Spiteri Lucas said Malta had lost a music legend.

"He was among those who contributed a great deal to local spectacle. Rest in peace and thank you," he wrote. 

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