Six injured as car crashes into airport perimeter barriers

Four children were among those injured

July 22, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
Times of Malta file photo.Times of Malta file photo.

Six people - including four children - were injured in a car crash on Sunday evening.

The police said that a 31-year-old woman from Santa Venera lost control of her Mercedes Benz GLC on Triq l-Industrija, Kirkop, at around 6.30pm.

The car crashed into an airport perimeter barrier.

In the car, there were five others: a 21-year-old woman, two girls aged 15 and seven, and two boys aged 12 and 10.

They were all rushed to Mater Dei Hospital.

The 21, 15 and 10-year-olds suffered grievous injuries, while the rest suffered slight injuries.

Police investigations are ongoing. 

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