Spirit of Smokie, an English rock band from Bradford, Yorkshire, will be performing at the Aurora Theatre in Victoria on March 15. The Saturday evening celebration starts with a short tribute to Bob Dylan by Jay Spargo at 7.30pm and continues with the main act by Spirit of Smokie, featuring Dean Barton, at 8.30pm.

Originating in the early 1960s in the City of Bradford, school friends Ron Kelly, Chris Norman, Alan Silson and Terry Uttley formed their first line-up. After several recording contracts and name changes, the name Smokie was decided upon.

This signalled a period of worldwide success for the band, with Pete Spencer replacing Kelly on drums, whose records have today sold in excess of 30 million. Norman left in 1986 and a new-look Smokie came to be, with two original members and lead singer Alan Barton.

Sadly, tragedy struck in March 1995, with the death of Barton following a motorway accident in Cologne, Germany. 1996 brought the third incarnation of Smokie with remaining original member Uttley. Silson had departed, to later form his own band with Spirit of Smokie members, including fellow original Kelly, Andy Whelan and Graham Kearns.

In March 2008, a memorial concert was held for Alan Barton, fronted by his son Dean Barton and just like that Spirit of Smokie was born.

As Alan Barton before with Smokie, Dean and the boys have worked hard for the past 15 years to re-establish the great sound of the original band.

A combination of drama, panache, musicianship and dedication, together with a great sound is the hallmark of Spirit of Smokie who thrill concertgoers, loyal fans and media alike.

Tickets, at €25, may be bought from www.teatruaurora.com/box-office, or 7904 5779.

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