Penises spray-painted on potholes in a San Ġwann road have been covered up with tarmac.

Penis drawings of different sizes appeared overnight on and around potholes on Bellavista Road on Friday.


The man behind the stunt had told Times of Malta it was a desperate attempt to force authorities to address the "hazardous" potholes.

The following day, roads agency Infrastructure Malta said that - together with the San Ġwann local council - it would be fixing the potholes.

Maintenance of Bellavista Road falls under the responsibility of the local council, but IM offered assistance to expedite the necessary repairs.

The stunt was a desperate attempt to force authorities to address the "hazardous" potholes. Photo: Jonathan BorgThe stunt was a desperate attempt to force authorities to address the "hazardous" potholes. Photo: Jonathan Borg

According to the man who spray-painted the phalluses, the potholes had been left to deteriorate for months. 

This unconventional form of protest has precedents in other parts of the world including in Spain and the UK.

The potholes on Thursday. Photo: Jonathan BorgThe potholes on Thursday. Photo: Jonathan Borg

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