The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta reports how eyebrows have been raised over a job advert requiring applicants to be single and on standby all day for less than the minimum wage. 

The newspaper also reports how a survey found that over half of the Maltese have not read a book for over a year.

The Malta Independent quotes rule of law group Repubblika slamming the prime minister for appointing the former PL CEO as ambassador. 

In-Nazzjon quotes PN leader Bernard Grech saying that a PN-government would tackle the cost of living in its first 100 days.  It also reports that at the prisons there is overwhelming heat, drugs and a shortage of medicines. 

l-orizzont says good business is expected in Gozo over Sta Marija week. It also reports that a man admitted to threatening to kill his former partner if he saw her with somebody else. 

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