The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Thursday.

Times of Malta reports how Edward Johnston, the man who allegedly killed his former partner on Monday, had previously mocked the police when they summoned him for questioning over harassment reports. Johnston was shot dead by the police later on Monday when he resisted arrest.

The newspaper also reports that Transport Malta has been urged not to issue a contract to the company of alleged kidnapper Christian Borg. 

The Malta Independent carries an AP report saying that Steward Healthcare has reached agreement to sell its nationwide doctors network in the US. It also reports that lawyer Jason Azzopardi is 'convinced' that ID cards of Maltese people were duplicated and handed to foreigners.

L-orizzont says there has been a 32.5% increase in women who have agreed to have a risk assessment after filing domestic violence reports. It also reports how a man was found dead after suffering an electric show in Msida.

In-Nazzjon says the Opposition is to ask the parliamentary committees for social affairs and the family to discuss effective measures to protect women. It also reports that the funeral of domestic violence victim Nicolette Ghirxi will be held on Saturday.

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