The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers. 

Times of Malta lists Maltese people who in 2024 defied adversity, often triumphing against the odds. It names athlete, world-record breaker and environmental activist Neil Agius as its person of the year.

In another story, it quotes Tonio Borg, the justice minister who codified the citizens’ right to request a magisterial inquiry 18 years ago saying that the existing framework already has enough safeguards to prevent misuse.

The Malta Independent, looking ahead at 2025, says NGOs have called for the suspension of building permits that are pending appeal.

L-orizzont reports that Malta has concluded its two-year membership of the UN Security Council. It also gives prominence to the crash on Sunday of a passenger aircraft in South Korea. 

In-Nazzjon says there has been another suicide attempt at the prisons. It also reports that three have been arrested for allegedly trying to import drugs.

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