The following are the leading stories in Malta's newspapers on Thursday. 

The Times of Malta, the Malta Independent and in-Nazzjon all prominently feature the news that the former head of the police’s anti-money laundering unit, Raymond Aquilina has been charged with money laundering and corruption along with businessman Yorgen Fenech. 

Aquilina was first arrested in April 2021 as part of a wider probe into police and government officials who potentially leaked sensitive information to suspects in the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder investigation. 

On Wednesday the former superintendent was charged with corruption, leaking official secrets, money laundering and perjury while Fenech was charged with complicity in the corruption of a public officer and money laundering.

The Times also reports on how the father of a Danish man who died after being hit by a car in St Julian’s a year and a half ago has been left in the dark as to what happened the night his son died. 

Asger Emil Neidhardt, a 25-year-old IT entrepreneur, arrived in Malta on October 22, 2023, for a holiday with friends. Six days later, he died after he was hit by a Honda Accord driven by a 44-year-old man in the Regional Road tunnels.

The Independent also carries an interview with a Maltese student currently studying in California about his experience of the wildfires currently ravaging the region. 

In-Nazzjon's front page features a story about how the healthcare system at Mated Dei Hospital is in crisis thanks to the Government's lack of planning. 

L-Orrizont leads with the news that Israel and Hamas have agreed on a truce for Gaza and negotiated a release of hostages. 

It separately reports on the signing of a new collaboration agreement between the General Worker's Union and the Association for Outsourcing and Temping Agencies. 

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