The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Thursday.

Times of Malta leads with a court decision that there is enough evidence for Chris Fearne, Edward Scicluna and 12 others to face trial in connection with the hospitals' scandal.

The newspaper also reports that almost seven out of every 10 adults in Malta use Revolut, with the number of users rising by almost a quarter last year.

The Malta Independent and In-Nazzjon similarly report on the court decision about Fearne and Scicluna.

Separately, The Malta Independent reports that Fearne said he will not seek re-election for Labour deputy leader when party elections come up in September.

In-Nazzjon meanwhile publishes comments by PN leader Bernard Grech who claimed on Wednesday that Malta is in need of 'clean governance'.

L-orizzont also reports about Fearne's decision not to seek re-election. 

Meanwhile, the newspaper also reports on increased efforts by the Valletta local council to reach a balance between the needs of the residents and those of businesses in the capital.

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